Your app to boost your economic performance

by enabling the creation of your own personalized digital savings in digital dollars UUS$$

How to start issuing dynamic digital dollars

By Do-G-Phone money data inductor

Fill WUW's inscription form and get code to download at Play Store

1681245513  The Current Epoch Unix Timestamp

How to get ability for digital personalized savings creation

After inscription at WUW's General Ledger for BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) you get for free :

1. The code to download your iconed app Personal Savings Helper as do-g-phone GCloudP function ;

2. The number of your personal and dynamic webcashaccount ;

3. The smart contract to be triggered for the money datevaluation inducing Economy 4G3W .

Make savings dynamic. Excite your screen's icon...

Your Personal Savings Helper app or Webcashmotor 4G3W, is an app downloadable. For kick off, excite the icon at your screen, go to menu and order prefered items for webmatic executions.

If you like, create 1 or 2 Owndated Webquantum shifting the asset of US$ 10,- or US$20,- and ask your first flash position of your webcashaccount. How much is the value of each one of the 7 counters ? What is your timestock ? Where is your multiplication capacity ? How much digital dollars properties do you have ?

Your PSH at the screen of your do-g-phone data indutor, serves to make cash results. 

Data-valuation is the web based reversible process to shift money from credit asset, into digital property financial asset.

To run datevaluation as an economic practice requires an app PSH Personal Savings Helper giving people the ability for acting unleashing a smart contract of BPaaS (Business Process as a Service).

Using PSH each person is able to create digital savings that are singular and dynamic digital objects.

Creations of each person are accounted, linked to start cash production and share on cash results every 24 hours.

Financial burden of US$ 10,- is inputed for each 1 Owndated Webquantum object which may be reverted on US$ 10,-.

The money data-valuation practice is the way for processing personalized digital savings to run on internet keeping the phase cash working for cash results on modes webcashmatic and webtaxmatic. 

By your PSH app, your creations US$ 10,-/each Owndated Webquantum are a set of digital properties registered and accounted with it singularities, living to share cash production against the right to share cash results each 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time at TOM.

TOM The Timestock Owned Market is a market to time exchanges. The age of digital savings is the biggest and most objective transferable added value in this bid & ask market.

Go to the market with the time contained on your creations O.W.s which seniority recorded by @timestamping on WUW's General Ledger is the mainly reason to cash capital gains when satisfying spot ASK demande. 

Seniority of digital savings is the biggest and most objective transferable factor of added value in this bid & ask market.

Into each property O.W., there are other factors generators of values and there are other parameters that serves the valuation measure of whole value of your position, as the time go. 

Fill the form

Fill your identity, remmmeber it's for cashier economic  ends